Beautiful spring lillies!! With this I was wanting to take a semi-minimalist shot of a single flower, so I grabbed the gear and the baby and headed about 5 feet out my front door. I feel that there is such beauty to a singular flower against black. We didn't really use a black background. I just changed some camera settings and voila! These were taken in super bright sunlight, but with the shutter turned up so far, the flash becomes the only light.
What I used:
Nikon D600
Nikon sb600
Yongnuo yn622ntx trigger and receiver
flash stand or manually hold the flash
Gary Fong Power Snoot to focus the light in that one little area
Aperture: f16-f20-You really just need to take the aperature down until your screen is black, so test that before adding any additional flash.
Flash: Full Power, +3, zoomed all the way in
Shutter: 1/4000
The 3rd photo featured shows what the background really looked like and was shot at f7.1, 1/4000.

I hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any questions, feel free to email me. :)