Here are some tips for having a smooth and successful sparkler exit with beautiful pictures to take away from it!
1.) Provide lots of lighters. The most common thing I see is the sparklers will start at one end of the line, and then they will go out by the time the ones at the end of the line are lit. Make sure they are spread out, so everyone can have an easy access point to a sparkler or lighter with little wait time.
2.) Be organized! Make sure whoever is in charge of the sparkler exit is very clear that everyone have their lighters ready on your mark. Once their sparklers are lit everyone else needs to jump in and light theirs.
3.) Be careful! Don't let anyone attempt to light more than one or 2 sparklers at once. There was a wedding photographer who got badly burned and almost lost the use of his hand by trying to help speed up the sparkler exit.
4.) Walk down the sparkler aisle. If you really want to run, stop near the end of the line for a kiss or a hug. That way the photographers can surely get a clear image of the 2 of you at your sparkler exit.

(Image take at The River Road and Jasmine Houses and Gardens in Columbia, SC).
I hope these tips help! As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments!
Jennifer Brecheisen
Destination Wedding Photographer
Based in Chester, SC
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